
PAUPB members are active in 30 countries.

For to know more please click your contry of interest and get in touch with a local Peace Builder.

PAUPB members form and facilitate a local "PTG"/Peace Training Group within their organisation or community. The PTG is their reference and constitute a dynamic focal group serving as center of Peace competence, source of animation, motivation and ongoing formation.

KENYA: 1 active Members - 8 certified Peacebuilders MALI: 1 actifve Members - 2 certified Peacebuilders IVORY COAST: 2 active Members - 6 certified Peacebuilders BURKINA FASO: 3 actifs Members - 11 certified Peacebuilders CAMEROON: 12 active Members - 29 certified Peacebuilders DRCongo - 5 active Members - 50 certified Peacebuilders RWANDA: 6 active Members - 33 certified Peacebuilders SENEGAL: 1 actifs Members - 8 certified Peacebuilders BURUNDI: 3 active Members - 15 certified Peacebuilders Congo (Republic) CAR: 10 active Members - 38 certified Peacebuilders

the UPA Laureat
from all Campus
since 2003,
please feel invited
to become our member
and send this FORM

Join us at UPABP Secretariat via
INOVAR  (clic here)
= I
ntervention NOn-
Violente Active et
Rapide (en Afrique)

Teams of panafrican Peace Builders join local activities in direct intervention for several months at selected communities: deses-calation, conflict mana-gement, mediation.
2010/11 Burundi,DRC
2014/16 CAR/Cam
2016/22 RCA

UPABP members

AFRICA DOCTOR HC for Sylvain KOFFI, Abidjan (2024)
Human Rights Award 2013
UNESCO Prix Confucius 2011
HARUBUNTU Tchad 2010, IvoryCoast 2009
UNHCR PeacePrice 2006

En français s'il vous plait