EECO - EQUIPE ENSEIGNANTE DU CONGO Platform of teachers 2005: Peace mission since years 2022: Local Union alive on its way EECo is not a trade union or political party. It is a Catholic movement of Christian educators who come together to improve their faith and their professional life with a view to transformation of schools, the Church and society. The EECo invests in collegial training in order to constantly adjust our convictions based on active non-violence to an ever-changing reality. |
(in french only): to be asked at
EQUIPES ENSEIGNANTES DU CONGO operates in a school environment that is full of violence: overcrowded classes; teachers' in pursuit of profit, pushing them to go from school to school to increase their monthly income; public schools that turn school into a business; corruption; organised cheating; marginalisation of minorities, etc. In this context, EECo's main mission is to take a pastoral approach to schooling, focusing on indigenous minorities and the most disadvantaged children.To achieve this, Equipes Enseignantes du Congo have chosen EDUCATION FOR PEACE as the focal point of their activities. As a result, a real pedagogical and methodological dynamic of peace education through active non-violence is developing in the schools. Many non-violence clubs have been set up, along with Red Cross school brigades, peace education theatre groups, poems and songs about peace and, above all, an exercise in setting up peer mediation teams. We managed to set up a peace education platform on Radio Maria, run by pupils from the collège and lycée: it's really wonderful. And it's thanks to your support that we were able to train the teachers in this non-frontal teaching method that we use to run these groups, based above all on the knowledge acquired at the University of Peace in Africa (UPA).
The CONGO TEACHING TEAMS are making progress and gaining ground in the Church and in the public arena. We regularly organise conferences in public schools: we've managed to succeed thanks to the UPA methodology based on communication, brainstorming and the wheel for changing attitudes. We gave a speech at the Congo Episcopal Conference in the presence of the national director responsible for Civic Education and the Culture of Peace. This term, we will be giving two talks in two schools in Brazzaville. Our diocesan team in Ouesso also works in all schools, both Catholic and state: non-violence club, anti-AIDS club, peer mediation, Red Cross school brigades, peace groups, etc.
A rich and deep source of knowledge and learning:
THE EECo SESSION on diocesan project "Peaceful Holidays"
On the initiative of EECo, the Diocese of Ouesso, with support of Aide aux Eglises d'Afrique, held a session from 1-3 November in the Nelson Mandela hall, to prepare the pedagogical and methodological activities of the project ‘peaceful holidays:Christmas 24’. ‘Faced with the increase in violence in schools, teachers need to equip themselves with the necessary skills to combat this scourge,’ explained Fila Sella, diocesan president and UPA 2021 Laureate. The document is very rich and well summarised in terms of content and training, with the following themes:
(+) The Real Inner Power=evangelical active non-violence
(+) Peace education and conflict prevention.
(+) Conflict management and transformation: the wheel of change.
2021: INITIATING NEW GENERATIONS IN ACTIVE EVANGELICAL NON-VIOLENCE. The Ouesso Diocesan Team has set up a project to strengthen new generations in active evangelical non-violence. Its aims are to
(+) Teach new generations to experience conflict as an opportunity to build fairer and more balanced relationships.
(+) To learn how to behave in a non-violent way: ‘not to hurt, not to be trampled underfoot’.
(+) Helping young people to understand and build peace: ‘disarm hearts to disarm hands’.
(+) Learn to change the way we look at others, to see them as thinking and acting.
(+) Learning to take care of our environment
Despite Covid's time of crisis, the Peace Builders have done a serious work here and in all the dioceses. In Pointe Noire, a solid team and a training session financed by local contributions; in Nkayi with our brother Thomas who founded three teams and organised the Teaching Teams movement with the support of the Bishop; in Owando, Impfondo and Ouesso.
The UPA's impact is demonstrated by their commitment to promoting educational activities for peace: 8 non-violence and peace clubs, 14 peace nuclei, 3 Red Cross school brigades, 6 green clubs (environmental protection), radio broadcasts on the promotion of values, and 3 groups of children's journalists learning to make broadcasts on child protection on Radio Maria (Pointe Noire, Ouesso) and Magnificat (Brazza).
the UPA Laureat
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= Intervention NOn-
Violente Active et
Rapide (en Afrique)
Teams of panafrican Peace Builders join local activities in direct intervention for several months at selected communities: deses-calation, conflict mana-gement, mediation.
2010/11 Burundi,DRC
2014/16 CAR/Cam
2016/22 RCA
UPABP members
AFRICA DOCTOR HC for Sylvain KOFFI, Abidjan (2024)
FRANCE Human Rights Award 2013
UNESCO Prix Confucius 2011
HARUBUNTU Tchad 2010, IvoryCoast 2009
UNHCR PeacePrice 2006